Thursday, October 6, 2016

Vacation story

   One of my other favorite things to do is travel, I've already been to about 13 states/countries. Either with friends or family,  I have a great time and love spending quality time with them, since it's the only time I really get to spend time with them. Here is one of my experiences.

   My family was taking a trip to Hawaii and we had an eight hour flight. I was so excited because I loved planes and this plane was different from others and we got to have our own T.V.!
We finally started ascending into the air and I started to pick out a movie to watch. I started to feel something coming out of my nose so I took a tissue a wiped it, it was blood. I thought it was a small nose bleed,  but no. My whole ride, the 8 hours I had this nose bleed.

   I fell asleep on the plane and when I woke up we were in Hawaii and I looked at my orange shirt and myself. My shirt was not orange anymore and my hands were not normal looking. They were all bloody, fortunately my nose bleed stopped and I could clean myself, but before I could, everybody was staring at me like I just murdered somebody.

  The rest of the week I had a great time with my family at the Disney resort, we did fun family activities and got to search Hawaii. I have many memories and other stories to tell, but that's for another day. (Story time Saturdays coming soon) 

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